Man, this week has been a long one. Basically most of all of our appointments canceled, we weren't able to contact anybody, and we were "lunched" a bunch of times. Oh boy! haha where to start.
Well It was looking to be a good week, and I was excited. It started out and actually on Wednesday we were so busy, we had to exchange with some other elders to cover all of our appointments! It was crazy! but all of those appointments canceled either on the spot or a few minutes before. I was so sad. Also on Wednesday I gave my first priesthood blessing! I was so nervous, but really following the spirit, I pushed through it.
Other exciting news: On Thursday I got to basically be a Zone Leader for a day, and go on exchanges with them, which was actually really fun. I hear that leadership should not be sought after, seeing how my comp. Is the district leader, but I don't know. The rest of the week we basically did service and ground work. Which our numbers didn't show. Elder Hatch and I solved our differences, my headaches weren't bad this week, and we've built up missionaries, and we've taught missionaries, and built member relationships, and things like that. But it just hurts when we can't go out and have a solid week of teaching.
Well I can finally say it's starting to get cold up here. I finally bought my coat and stuff and I woke up to -3* this morning. which isn't that bad, but we'll see what happens when it starts to get to -40*.
This Sunday was stake conference, and it was one of the best I have ever attended. The talks were really inspired and all on missionary work. I wonder why. haha. But because we haven't taught much, I have a chance to share my testimony.
I know that the atonement of Christ is real. It's what we're all about. I know that through it, and through the grace of Christ we are healed. I know that the Book of Mormon is the true word of God. without a doubt in my mind. I've seen it change my life as well as those I teach. I know that my calling is real, and I am here in the CWM for a reason, set apart by the laying on of hands to teach with his power, the spirit is amazing. I can feel it with me 24/7, and I don't ever want to leave it when I go home. Missionary work is amazing. I love it, I am so excited that I get to do this for 22 1/2 more months. There is no place I'd rather be right now than here, serving his children.
I love you guys, Thank you so much for all you do!
Elder Jake sorenson
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