One of the craziest days was definitely Thursday, we had 3 supper appointments set up and an elders quorum meeting that night. One of the Supper appointments was out of town so we had little time to run between appointments, and then Elder Hindes had to pack. It was just all-around nuts. I ate so much food that I swear I went into labor with a food baby. I weighed myself at the beginning and end of the week. I gained 5 pounds. It was so gross! But hey, at least the members love us we found out.
But then came Friday. On Friday the whole mission got pulled into Regina for a mission conference with D. Todd Christofferson. This was the first time that the entire Canada Winnipeg Mission had all been in one spot. It was historic. The drive down to Regina took 4 hours and We left Prince Albert at 9 and we left right as it started snowing hard. I was so mad because the snow from the last snow storm was just starting to melt. But luckily we beet the storm and got 2 hours to Saskatoon where it was just raining. We met up with some other missionaries and caravaned 2 more hours to Regina. When we got to Regina we had a conference with just the mission and our mission president basically in preparation for the next day. It was so great to see all my old district companions and all my old mission buddies. It was a lot of fun. One of my old companions, Elder Martin, who got sent home because he blew out his knee surprised me because he came back and was at the conference.
The next morning was amazing. We got to all meet Elder Christofferson, shake his hand, tell him our name and where we are from. After that we had a meeting where our mission presidents wife spoke to us, followed by President Thomas, then we had Elder Spackman, our area 70 speak to us. And then Elder Schwarez from the Presidency of the 70 spoke to us, and then they were all followed by Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the council of the 12. The meeting was so spiritual I can't even put it into words. But believe it or not Elder Christofferson is a very funny guy. But he spoke on some great topics and it seemed as though the whole time he was talking right to me. Some of the things that I got out of it was that our testimonies are strengthened when we have the spirit testify. And we can gain the spirit and be humble as we build our relationship with our heavenly father. This was coming from a man who knows heavenly father better than I do. We were all overcome with emotion when he closed with his personal testimony of the saviour. Elder Christofferson told us to remember that he was there. And that he wanted us to remember that he said that the saviour lives and is at the head of our church today. He said "this is coming from someone who knows." I know his words were true.
So that was basically one of the peaks of my mission. And after the meeting we had our transfer meeting. So now I have my new comp. His name's Elder Schollars. He's from Eagle, Idaho and was just serving in Winnipeg so We've served around eachother. He's been out a little over a year so I'm excited for this next transfer. Nothing more exciting has happened really other than the 4 hour boring car ride back up to PA, and sunday was great. I had triple duty, I played the piano in Sacrament meeting, then taught sunday school, then played in Primary, so It was fun! Just running around really. Sunday=Game day as a missionary.
That's me this last week.
Love you all, thank you for your prayers and support
Elder Jake H Sorenson
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