Monday, April 28, 2014

Week of April 27,2014

Hey everyone. This last week was pretty good. The weather was not so much, but we did a lot of work, and my new comp and I just hammered right into missionary work. We saw a couple of miracles and stayed busy. I think the biggest thing is I've felt like I've been in PA for forever and I've seen the area grow, and now die a little bit. So I've been waiting for a change for a while. But for now, I'm going to work as hard as I can to get this area back up to where it was.
As for this last week we did a lot of walking. We tried to street contact as many people as we could. And the weather didn't really cooperate with that. We got snow last weekend and I thought that was the last big dump of the season. Boy was I wrong. Tuesday was very nice. It got up to +15c and the snow all melted (finally) but the next day it rained, and as of this morning, we now have 4' of wet snow on the ground. We can't win! haha. 

Interesting thing happened on Tuesday though. We were walking to contact a potential and we heard a guy playing and singing his guitar. Elder Schollars saw a drumset through the window and told me to go knock on the door and see if he was willing to jam and listen to our message. I have been itching to play since I came out so I didn't hesitate. The guys name was Jovani, and he let us right in, we jammed for a bit, and it turns out he's an inactive member of the church! He moved from Alberta and just never had contact again. I don't know if he'll come back to church, but at least we made his day, as well as mine. 

The rest of the week was mainly spent teaching/contacting former investigators, setting up appointments, visiting my favorite less-actives who sadly won't come to church. But we got to see Sister Daniel's husband's (who's not a member but loves missionaries) man cave. He has a huge starwars collection and is nuts about it. He has a room full of collectables that blows my mind. He even has a starwars edition X-box. It was simply amazing. and meeting with the Birds as well. The Birds didn't make it to church yesterday and I don't know why. Their whole family can be baptized if they started coming to church. So if any of you guys could pray for them it'd be grand. 

Well that's my week in a nutshell. I wish the weather would clear up a bit. I love the snow. Just not when it's almost may. haha, but the rain this last week was nice. My comp's from Washington State, and it reminded him of home. It's just been so wet, so there's been no one out. So that my dear friends is spring time in Saskatchewan- April 28th, and 4' of wet snow on the ground. Wahoo. 

Love you all, thank you so much for your prayers and support.

-Elder Jake H Sorenson

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Week of April 20, 2014

This last week was simply amazing and all out crazy busy! Well, here it is: It all basically started when Elder Hindes got sent to Brandon Manitoba. He had been here in PA for the last 6 months, and so when they found out he was leaving, they all wanted us over for dinner. So basically everyone that we loved, or that loved us we went over and saw and got pictures. It was great. I'm going to be here for at the least 6 months so we'll see who all loves me ;) 

One of the craziest days was definitely Thursday, we had 3 supper appointments set up and an elders quorum meeting that night. One of the Supper appointments was out of town so we had little time to run between appointments, and then Elder Hindes had to pack. It was just all-around nuts. I ate so much food that I swear I went into labor with a food baby. I weighed myself at the beginning and end of the week. I gained 5 pounds. It was so gross! But hey, at least the members love us we found out.  

But then came Friday. On Friday the whole mission got pulled into Regina for a mission conference with D. Todd Christofferson. This was the first time that the entire Canada Winnipeg Mission had all been in one spot. It was historic. The drive down to Regina took 4 hours and We left Prince Albert at 9 and we left right as it started snowing hard. I was so mad because the snow from the last snow storm was just starting to melt. But luckily we beet the storm and got 2 hours to Saskatoon where it was just raining. We met up with some other missionaries and caravaned 2 more hours to Regina. When we got to Regina we had a conference with just the mission and our mission president basically in preparation for the next day. It was so great to see all my old district companions and all my old mission buddies. It was a lot of fun. One of my old companions, Elder Martin, who got sent home because he blew out his knee surprised me because he came back and was at the conference. 

The next morning was amazing. We got to all meet Elder Christofferson, shake his hand, tell him our name and where we are from. After that we had a meeting where our mission presidents wife spoke to us, followed by President Thomas, then we had Elder Spackman, our area 70 speak to us. And then Elder Schwarez from the Presidency of the 70 spoke to us, and then they were all followed by Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the council of the 12. The meeting was so spiritual I can't even put it into words. But believe it or not Elder Christofferson is a very funny guy. But he spoke on some great topics and it seemed as though the whole time he was talking right to me. Some of the things that I got out of it was that our testimonies are strengthened when we have the spirit testify. And we can gain the spirit and be humble as we build our relationship with our heavenly father. This was coming from a man who knows heavenly father better than I do. We were all overcome with emotion when he closed with his personal testimony of the saviour. Elder Christofferson told us to remember that he was there. And that he wanted us to remember that he said that the saviour lives and is at the head of our church today. He said "this is coming from someone who knows." I know his words were true. 

So that was basically one of the peaks of my mission. And after the meeting we had our transfer meeting. So now I have my new comp. His name's Elder Schollars. He's from Eagle, Idaho and was just serving in Winnipeg so We've served around eachother. He's been out a little over a year so I'm excited for this next transfer. Nothing more exciting has happened really other than the 4 hour boring car ride back up to PA, and sunday was great. I had triple duty, I played the piano in Sacrament meeting, then taught sunday school, then played in Primary, so It was fun! Just running around really. Sunday=Game day as a missionary. 

That's me this last week.
Love you all, thank you for your prayers and support
Elder Jake H Sorenson  

Monday, April 14, 2014

Week of April 13, 2014

Alrighty. What to yack about this week? Well, transfers is upon us. And unlike the last three transfers, Some change is finally happening. I'm getting a new comp from winnipeg that served in the same zone as me. His name's Elder Scholars. He's from Idaho and is a really good missionary. I'm excited. But Elder Hindes is leaving me after 4 1/2 months and is going to Brandon, Manitoba so I'll be stuck here in Prince Albert for at least an other transfer so going on 6 months here! 

This last week was good, but we didn't teach a whole lot. We did a lot of walking around a met a whole bunch of people. The snow started to melt at the beginning of the week so people started to walk around, so that was nice. We met this one guy named Ernie who lives on the 11th floor of an apartment downtown and it over looks the river. He apparently has an incredible view so I'll have to check it out! We also started to teach Eric's mom out on a reserve where she lives. She's great, very interested in the church. We knocked on her door and she let us right in! It was solid. 

This last weekend we went an hour east of town to Melfort for a zone conference/service project. The zone conference was great! It was held in their branch building out there and could barely hold all 52 missionaries in two zones. My mission pres talked about "What can I change from sitting in this meeting today?" It changed my perspective on a lot of things. It was the spiritual reboost I needed. That night we had a fireside that he also spoke at and he shared some of his float plane stories from Ketchican, Alaska. I like to think he's a little like Pres. Uchtdorf because he relates the gospel to airplanes and how good he is at flying them. 

The next morning we did a service project. We canvased for the melfort food bank which was a lot of fun. We got to wear those ugly yellow vests. But it was good. the one downside was, It snowed this weekend. A lot. It dumped 6" on us. We were not happy, the snow was just about gone! But now it's back haha, welcome to spring time in Saskatchewan. 

Sunday was great. I got to speak in church, along with Elder hindes and jordan who are leaving. I always like speaking in church. Never thought I'd say that till now haha. But after church we visited some less-actives that sadly didn't come to church, but that elder hindes wanted to say bye to so that was fun. This next week is booked with meal appointments. It almost seems like if you have a companion that has been here for 6 months, then finally leaves, the ward will suddenly love you. Maybe that'll happen when I leave because I have the potential for being here for 7 1/2 months. 

That's essentially my week. This next Friday we travel down to Regina, then on Saturday we have the mission conference with Elder Christofferson, then I get my new comp. We're going to be way busy. I'm way excited! Wahoo! 

Well, I love you all and thanks for all your prayers and support.
This is Elder Sorenson
Signing off

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Week of April 6, 2014

Jambo! So this last week was pretty good. We didn't teach a whole lot, but I'm excited for the weeks to come here. It'll be great. Couple of interesting things that happened though. Just a couple of things that are note-worthy- On tuesday we were walking to an appointment, and a guy came up to us because he was looking for peace. He was a native american who had served in the canadian military and had some ptsd problems. We taught him about the atonement and how Jesus Christ can help him through anything. We set up an appointment with him to meet the next day. Native people have pretty great names, this guys name was Jay Rabbitskin. After we talked with him, we went to our appointment which was teaching a family we found doing service. They didn't speak much english, but they spoke Swahili, and we soon found out they were devout muslims. It was great getting to tango with them haha. The way to teach them is to share about our religion, then have them share a little about theirs. I don't know how much we got across, but I learned a little swahili in the process :)

Wednesday we taught the Birds. It's always interesting teaching two parents, and then 6 little girls under the age of 11. Always have to use our creativity with that one. But we taught them about following the prophet and it seemed to go well. Sadly they weren't able to make it to conference, but it was understandable when their dad has to work till 6 am. Friday I taught my favorite less-active up here. Kim daniels. She's great. She's sitting on the fence of coming back to church, just wish the ward would help out. She works at the jail as a programs counselor so we can always go over there and have our venting sessions. Good times.

Saturday, We had a ping-pong tournament/BBQ at the church in between conference sessions. It was great! I did all the grilling, Sister Daniels let us borrow it. It was great. And Sunday was also conference. Shocker. But then we gave a member in the bishopric who had a bad concussion a blessing which was stressful for me, then went over to the best member family-The Yawneys. Bro. Yawney taught me a little guitar and we ate some indian food. It was so good. They're solid. 

So conference was great. I can't share all that I got out of it, but I obviously loved Elder Holland's talk. Because if there is one thing that I have found on my mission, it is that people know Jesus as a "comfortable God" but he's not. so he smashed it! it was great. I also Liked Elder Anderson's talk on the Church's standards. our recent convert is struggling with some of the church's standpoints on gay marriage so hopefully that helped him out. I loved Pres. Uchtdorf's talk in Priesthood on remedy's for things that hinder our priesthood power. All great things. I could go on and on. Mainly I got out of conference that we should -Follow the prophet, -Communicate, -Serve, -Stand up for what we believe in, -Be courageous, and -daily prayer and scripture study builds our foundation of Christ. 

I'm excited for these next couple of weeks. We get to go an hour out of town to Melfort for a service project/zone conference so that'll be fun. But the week after that is a huge one. We have transfers and on top of that we have my first mission conference and we just found out that D. Todd Christofferson is coming to that. And that's in Regina, Saskatchewan. So they're pulling the whole mission into that. All 150 missionaries, across 3 provinces and 1 state to one city. It'll be nuts. Well, that's this week. The snow is still here. It's finally up into the positives though. Today is +4! yay haha. So hopefully this snow'll be gone by the end of this week. 

Love you guys, and thanks for all your support.
-Elder Sorenson
Signing off